
About Me

Hey, folks! I'm Elizabeth a.k.a. Animejune. 

I read books.

I also write books. And short stories. And novellas. And, briefly, video games. 

I started this blog in 2004 to vent about the unfairness of life, my parents, and working at McDonald's. But I discovered I had more fun reviewing books, movies, and pop culture. My parents also had more fun reading those posts than the previous ones about how awful they were for not inviting me to decorate the Christmas tree. 

And so it became a book blog. It started out pretty exclusively as a romance blog, but as I discovered more blogs, more books, more writers, and more friends, I now read (primarily) YA, romance, fantasy, and literary fiction. I'll read other stuff as it interests me, but at this stage in my life, these are the books that I like and thus these are the books I'll review.

I also livetweet books on Twitter.

Review requests, fan mail and hate mail should be deferred for now. I'll let you know when I open my e-mail to requests again.