
Thursday, March 22, 2007

As of Now, I am an Officially Published Author

Yup - the March/April 2007 issue is officially out in the States, in Japan, in countries all over the world, it seems - just not where I live, apparently. I have six issues coming to me, but they're taking sooo slow, and people are getting the chance to see my story in print with the lovely illustrations before I do. No fair.

It's pretty cool to think my magazine is getting sold in Japan - one of my mother's friends who lives there pointed it out, and that makes it even more exciting...NOW IF ONLY I COULD GET MY COPIES....Argh!

Anyhoo - I checked out Fantasy Magazine, and I'm seriously considering sending "Golden Opportunity" their way. Again, they take e-mail submissions, so that's great, but I'm a little nervous. I read online that there are standards for submission that I've never heard of - and I really hope that hasn't contributed to people rejecting my work out of hand. Did anyone else know you had to put your address on the first page, if you provided a cover letter? Anyone else know that italicised words had to be underlined in the submission? I sure didn't.


  1. Congratulations, Elizabeth. I'll have to track down a copy.

    I knew about the underlining-for-emphasis convention, but only because I saw it once in one of those Writer's Market books, where they set out a couple of guidelines for query letters, manuscripts, SASEs and the like. I do have to wonder how many people never paid those conventions any mind because they thought them to be a relic of the age of the typewriter (which, at first glance, they are).

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    To Elizabeth Vail,

    I read "My Brother's Own Words" this morning at about eleven o'clock. I became an instant fan. Thank you for sending it in, I thoroughly enjoyed it. You have vivid imagery that is only enhanced by the illustrations. Thank you thank you thank you.

    I am now inspired to get off my butt and tidy up one of my short stories and send it in to Cicada.

    Thank you, again. And congratulations on getting published!

    -A. Nonny Mouse
