
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm going to the RWA 29th Annual Conference!

I did it.

I booked my plane. I booked my hotel (pricey but worth it!).

I'm going to the Romance Writers of America Annual Conference!!!

Gah! I'm so excited! I drank in all the blog entries on the last RWA conference in San Francisco and it sounded like such an awesome experience - meeting my favourite authors, going to workshops and seminars, meeting agents and editors... How exciting could that be for an aspiring romance author who is 75%....70%....okay 65% percent through the first draft of her first romance novel, The Duke of Snow and Apples.

It's my own little adventure - I might as well go while I'm young enough to recover from it, eh?

It also means I should probably set a deadline for my first romance novel, hahaha.

Any of my readers been to RWA? What's it like? What should I bring (or NOT bring)? What's your favourite part about going to the conference?


  1. Congrats AnimeJune! How exciting! I've never been so I'll have to live vicariously through you. :)

  2. Oh I'm so jealous, I wish I could go but bah, I can't afford it, not this year anyway. Grrrr, but take lots of pictures and have lots of fun, I love reading everyone's posts from RWA.
