
Saturday, January 10, 2009


Many people have pets in their lives - cats, dogs, goldfish. They're fun to have around, hug, and take care of.

But readers, truly voracious readers, have a very special creature all their own, a creature that provides much happiness, hope, and anticipation, but must be carefully tended with healthy reading and some financial restraint.

It's called the TBR Pile - the To Be Read pile. Most readers first acquire one after they've been reading for a while, or after they catch on to an interesting book blog. They start out so cute and loveable. Here's my little TBR from way back in 2007.
Awww....isn't it adorable? So small and warm and snug on its single self! Look how cute it is! Who's the cutest pile of unread books in the whole world? You are! You are!

But a great deal of care is needed. TBR piles are a bit like Gremlins - you can't feed them too much or at the wrong time or else they can grow into quite a handful! Here's my adolescent TBR pile back in June 2008 (JQ stands for Julia Quinn, EJ for Eloisa James).
See, this TBR pile is a little overgrown. Someone couldn't stay out of the bargain hardcover bookstore and the used book store, and overfed their pile. TBR piles can gain weight pretty quickly - and you don't want them outgrowing their shelf, do you?

It's a sad truth of the world, however, that many readers shamelessly spoil their TBR piles, feeding it on a near constant basis. This can be hazardous - when overfed, TBR piles can become large and aggressive! LOOK OUT! NOOOO!

Please readers, let this be a lesson - curb your book buying or risk being devoured by books! Although, now that I think about it, what a way to go!


  1. LMAO I always refer to my tbr pile as the tbr monster. I think it's mad at me now for letting it get so big.

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    My TBR pile is huge and always growing. It's not a pile, either. It takes up several bookcases.

  3. I don't even want to try to count mine. I know it's over 200 plus the 59 books I have from the library. Yep, 59. I have no idea when I'll read them all, I just know I want to read them all. lol

    *I sent your package today so your pile is going to grown* : )

  4. ROTFL Everything you say is so true!! And I don't know why, but I found it hilarious that you had a cook book in the TBR pile

  5. ~ames~ --> I know - I think the last time I picked up romance novels at the library, my TBR pile growled at me...

    Anonymous --> Awesome!

    Leslie --> I can't wait for your package! I'm considering learning how to speed-read, with the state my TBR pile is in.

    Kristie J --> yeah, well, I'm going to be moving out of my parents' home next year one way or the other (either grad school or just out of the nest), so I figure I have to find some way of not starving. So far I can make pan-fried chicken, broccoli chicken casserole, pancakes, soup, and brownies. I'm all set! ^_~

  6. *laughs* My TBR pile is not even a pile: it's an entire Full bookshelf. It would be even more disturbing if I hadn't won most of the books on it. Then again it seems to grow on its own regardless of what volumes of books I attempt to read in the meantime. Great post btw!
