
Sunday, March 29, 2009

This Absurd Expansion of my TBR Is Brought To You By the Public Library

Okay, so I know I made a vow (on camera, no less), that I wouldn't buy another book until I went to RWA Nationals. My TBR pile was sort of getting out of control thanks to my purchases and a truly serendipitous cluster of book-contest winnings, and I wanted a chance to trim it down before I encountered the RWA Nationals Goodie Room.

Well, when I made that vow, I was unaware of my Public Library's semi-annual booksale, which sold perfectly good romance novels for 50 cents a piece (or you could bring your own box and pay a flat rate of 10$). How - how could I let such a chance go by? If I didn't check this out, I would have to wait until September for the next semi-annual booksale, and that's just unreasonable, wouldn't you agree?

This isn't an addiction. I can stop whenever I want. But why would I want to with all these wonderful books? Besides, I was very responsible with my book buying at this sale. With two exceptions, I'd only bought books by authors I knew and enjoyed. But I can see that you're disbelieving, and shaking your heads in disapproval, so allow me to go over my purchases in finer detail:

The Already Reads:

These two I'd already read and adored, but had borrowed from the library. Well, now I own them, and technically since I've already read them they don't go on my TBR pile anyway, so nyaa nyaa nyaa.

The Series Finishers:

True, I was a little iffy about getting these, because even though I loved the first book, these last two weren't as favourably received by critics. However, I've been known to disagree with reviewers before - and something about both stories really interested me, and I wanted to finish the series. Besides - they were CHEAP!

The Developing Favourites:

These are books by authors whose works I've read once, and really enjoyed, so when I saw these books on the table at the sale, I quickly snatched them up to see if I didn't just get lucky the first time around.

The Already Favourites:
These, as my regular readers will know, are all books by favourite authors of mine, so I feel nothing but justified in snatching them up. I'm a dedicated acolyte of the Church of Balogh, Laura Lee Gurhke has impressed time and again, Loretta Chase is, well, Loretta Chase (and considering this is her latest book, I'm still doing a happy dance for grabbing it for fifty cents), and Eloisa James impressed me quite a bit with Duchess In Love, and this is a story within the same series.

The Lucky Dips:

Okay, so these two were the exception to my "only buy books by authors I've read and enjoyed" rule. With Candice Hern, I've never read her novels, but I really enjoyed her story in the It Happened One Night anthology, so when I found this at the sale, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to get to know her in a longer format. With Judith McNaught...hmmm, it's an interesting situation. I already have Almost Heaven on my TBR pile, but I still haven't gotten around to reading it (I'm rectifying that situation, though - it's next up when I'm done Sex With Kings), but I've heard nothing but how wonderful and awe-inspiring and magical all of her historicals are. And, admittedly, the first page of Almost Heaven really caught my attention. And - and it was FIFTY CENTS. So SUE me. It was cheaper than a cup of coffee.

The Very, Very, VERY Lucky Dip:

While I left the book sale with a rather exaggerated amount of pride (all fifteen books ended up costing $7.50 combined, less than a single new paperback costs here in Canada), this is the find that made me embarass myself by shouting "SCORE!" in the middle of a crowded library parking lot. It's by Loretta Chase. It involves an honourable secondary character from Lord of Scoundrels. And Chase's website says it's out of print. Can you say DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH?

So, really, dear readers, after all this can you blame me for temporarily lifting my no-book-buying vow to visit this important library book sale?


  1. Those are some terrific finds! I frequent a small charity shop that sometimes has the best out-of-print romance novels, but rarely so many great ones at once.

  2. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Make sure you have read all the Bedwyn books and the first two Simply books before reading Simply Magic. Otherwise you will be in a sea of lost.

  3. Meghan --> that's why I loooove the library.

    Anonymous --> Will do. Thanks for the heads up. ^_^

  4. Now see, I think it's totally fine that you broke your vow for a library sale. Mostly because you got yourself some "older" releases via the library. RWA will be geared towards "newer" books. Finding that out of print Loretta Chase at RWA wasn't going to happen ;-)

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    your so lucky you found all those books for such a great price! my library does it twice a year too, but i keep forgeting. but luckily i have a thrift shop next to the local store that sells books everyday for the less than a dollar everyday. :) anyways... i really enjoyed the eloisa james book that you just bought.

  6. My library switched to a once a month sale. :)

  7. Laura8:35 PM

    Sounds like a great book sale!! Congrats on your finds!

  8. Laura8:42 PM

    Me again. I decided to throw in my own library sale experience. My library has a permanent store set up inside the main library. Most paperbacks are 50 cents and most hardcovers are $1. In February they had a sale where a bag of series romance novels cost $1, no matter how many books were in the bag. So, I got I think 11 series romance novels for $1, and I also got a hardcover copy of Slightly Dangerous for $1. I was super happy about my purchases and really want to go back to the library store.

  9. OH this is very impressive, can't wait to read the reviews.

    I LOVE Down Home Zombie Blues, Your Scandalous Ways and OMG Captives of the Night - Loretta Chase rules.

    ahem. I am not crazy about Something Wonderful, and I really want to see how you feel about it. Too old school in my opinion.

  10. You didn't hear about the 'library sale exception rule' rule? It's kind of like the 3 second rule and dropped food only it revolves around books. It trumps the 'holding off on buying' rule because there is no way you can beat the prices. And as Wendy says - since most of the books are older, you won't find them at the RWA conference and you wouldn't be able to find them anywhere else for a better price.
    So - all those luscious books you got don't count.

  11. Wendy --> VERY good point! Hahaha. Plus, the money goes to support the library, which is always good.

    Anonymous --> I'm looking forward to the Eloisa James, but it's definitely going to have to wait a while. ^_^

    MaryK --> your library sounds like a very wise institution. :)

    Laura --> I think the main branch of my library has a permanent store, but it's usually too out of the way and too indifferently stocked for my troubles. Still - Slightly Dangerous for $1? Yes please.

    Ana --> Well, I'm reading "Almost Heaven" by McNaught next (it's been squished at the very bottom of my TBR pile for a while now, so I'm taking pity on it), so there's that to look forward to.

    Kristie J --> I did not hear about the library exception rule. Someone should make a list, eh? ^_^

  12. I don't believe I could have resisted such a wonderful sale, either! And, it's a great opportunity to explore "new to you" authors without making a huge investment.

  13. Laura1:24 PM

    So, AnimeJune, because of you I trekked over to the library book store today. Despite buying 7 books, I was disappointed. The books I bought aren't anything amazing. I bought them because they sounded ok and were cheap.

  14. Lisa Marie Wilkinsin --> well, in this instance it was a way to pick up authors I knew I liked instead of new ones. My TBR pile's so big I felt I couldn't afford to try too many new authors (because then if I adored them I'd have to get all of THEIR books and add it to the pile).

    Laura --> Yeah, lots of library sales are a bit of a potluck. I lucked out, but I also saw a TON of Fern Michaels and Cassie Edwards - books I was tempted to buy just so I could set them on fire to keep people from reading them.

  15. Laura8:58 PM

    LOL about burning the books! My library had several Fern Michaels books too.

  16. This blog is bad for my ethics. My non-buying vow was for all of '09 (to decimate the monstrous TBR) but now I'm itching to go to my own library and see what's on offer. They add new stuff to the as-yet-unsold once a week or so as opposed to periodic sales. Last time I was there I almost succumbed to 'Dragon Actually', about which the only information I had was that Mrs. Giggles really liked it, but I remained strong (AKA didn't have any small change on me at the time).

    Good for you on YSW by Chase, but - what is wrong with your library? Or its patrons? How can her latest aleady be so little checked out it's on the block?

  17. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Yesterday when I was at the library I picked up the schedule of when all the book sales will be. My local branch will be having a sale in May. Can't wait! :)
