
Friday, June 26, 2009

Who All's Coming to RWA Nationals?

I am! The Romance Writers of America's National Conference in Washington, DC is coming up in a little over three weeks, and I'm super excited - not only for the workshops, not only for the literacy booksigning, not only for the goody room, but also to meet any of my blogger friends who are going!

If you're going to RWA Nationals in DC - why not leave a comment? Maybe we could even meet up!

If you aren't going, but you've gone before - what was your favourite part of the conference? What would you recommend?

If you're a Washington native - what cool things are there to see in DC?


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    *Raises hand*

    I'll be there :) Looking forward to meeting you. I'm going to be so lost, lol. This is the first time I'm going and I have no idea what to expect.

  2. This will be my first time, too *lol*

  3. I'm not going, but I spent my college years in the DC area. There's a lot of cool stuff to see - the Smithsonians (I'm especially fond of the Hope Diamond in Natural History), the National Gallery (free!), the Spy Museum (interactive and v. cool).

    If you're into photography (or just pretty), I'd suggest taking a night tour of the monuments. They're pretty spectacular that way.

    The National Archives has the Magna Carta, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.

    And if you like Chinese food, there's a fantastic place called Hunan Dynasty up on Capitol Hill at Pennsylvania and 2nd (right beside the Library of Congress).

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    You should go to the Smithsonians. American History and Natural History are my favorites.

  5. Yup. I'll be there with Barbara and Kristie.

    The Publisher Spotlights are usually pretty informative. That's where reps from the publisher tell you about upcoming releases and "what they're looking for" when it comes to submissions.

  6. I'll be there for the Literacy Foundation book signing! This is my first time, and honestly I'm nervous. LOL

  7. This will be my third one. And just think!!! It's so soon now. I hope to meet up with you too for a drink or a coffee or whatever and just talk books. As for my favourite part - just being surrounded by like minded people is just the cat's meow. And the luncheon. And the publisher signings. And roommates and friends. And just about everything!!
