
Monday, August 10, 2009

I won another award!

Hurray! Thank you, Aymless! I've been rated E for Excellent!

My turn to nominate more bloggies:

The Word Wenches. I don't often comment on their blogs, but I lurv historicals and the blog is run by a group of historical authors (including Anne Gracie and Loretta Chase!).

Stacy's Place on Earth. Awesome blog - she's also fun to follow on Twitter.

Anna's Book Blog. She reviews fantasy, YA, and romance. I don't comment often, but I follow her all the time. Her blog, that is. Not in real life. 'Cause that would be weird.

Lurv a la Mode. Found her when by visiting commenters on the Booksmugglers' blog. Interesting commentary on both paranormal and historical romances, as well as straight fantasy reads.

Huzzahs to all!


  1. Congratz AnimeJune!

  2. Congrats!

    Thanks for the award too!

  3. Very nice :) And thanx for passing on the love :D

  4. Thanks so much for the award for Word Wenches, AnimeJune! We're so pleased you enjoy the blog!

  5. So I just linked over here from Anna's blog and you made me laugh! I like what you had to say about Anna's blog!

    Congrats on the award!
