
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Library Loot: Temptation Awaits

Another week, yet another opportunity for Library Loot. It seems I just can't help myself - I go to the library to return books and end up finding even more books that I actually want to read! What is up, public library? How did you suddenly get so much better at stocking romance? Oh well. The loot:

A Bride in the Bargain, by Deeanne Gist. I've never read inspirational romance before, but I was interested in this book because Gist hosted a very illuminating workshop at RWA 2009 about how book covers come to be, and this book was featured. Yup - Bethany House has some gorgeous covers y'all. FUN FACT: that girl on the cover is actually Gist's daughter! Anyhoo, the story sounds pretty good - hero needs a wife in order to keep his land. Heroine thinks she's being hired as a cook. Hilarity ensues!

The Courtesan's Daughter, by Claudia Dain. Where better to go for a lucky author dip than a place where you don't have to pay for a book? I've heard some good things about Claudia Dain's Courtesan series, and since this is the first book, I thought I would give it a try.

From the blurb, it sounds like the heroine's having a tough time getting a husband because her mum used to be a courtesan, so Mummie Ho agrees to clear the hero's debts in return for marrying her lovely daughter.

Hilarity - and presumably, financial transactions - ensues!

Just as I thought I was on my way out the library door, I caught sight of Victoria Dahl's One Week As Lovers, the sequel to A Rake's Guide to Pleasure that stars Emma's hot-but-poverty-stricken BFF Lancaster. Not only was it there - it was a new library copy. The spine of the paperback wasn't even creased! None of the pages were bent!

So yeah, I caved. A Rake's Guide to Pleasure was a lovely book, and this novel has a gorgeously romantic cover - that for once depicts something tender and sweet and not one of those hair-in-the-wind, O-face, riding-the-hero's-muscular-thighs cover.


  1. Yes A Bride in the Bargain's cover is gorgeous! Great loot.

  2. What great loot. So hard to get out the door of the library.

  3. Those last books by the door are always so tempting... aren't they? My post is here.

  4. My library isn't too bad at getting romance in, although some times they are a bit slow.

    I was a bit surprised when they had some erotica in the catalogue though.

    Enjoy your loot!

  5. Linda, Kwana, Pussreboots, Marg --> Thanks!

  6. Great loot! So happy to have another romance reader in the mix with me in the Library Loot meme. ;)

    Enjoy your books!

  7. We are a rare breed aren't we Christine!

  8. Yes, Marg, we are. I don't know if I'd have been so enthusiastic in joining Library Loot if you--a fellow romance reader as well--weren't one of the hostesses.

  9. I always wonder if that's because romance readers are more likely to buy their books than to borrow, or whether there is some other reason.

  10. I have given up trying to fight it! LOL. Love Deanne's books. Enjoy
