
Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Weekly Wanting (6)

It's that time again! Sorry for the lateness - I went to see The Avengers (pretty good) and then spent the rest of the day with the fams.

I finished reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and I reviewed it for The Green Man Review - I'll be sure to link it once it's live!

As for the Wanting, I only have one book this week:

Genre: Fantasy
Story: In a fantasy world based on ancient Egypt, a group of people can harvest the magical power of people's dreams and use them to heal - and also to take out potential threast.
Why I Want It: Lots of reasons - the fact that I've loved her first two books to death (and can't wait to read the third). Also good reviews across the board.

Short and sweet, folks. Did you guys like The Avengers? What are you looking forward to reading?


  1. Sounds intriguing! And if you loved her first two books, it's a good bet you'll love this one too!

    Haven't seen The Avengers yet, but it's getting nothing but rave reviews so I can't wait!

  2. I still need to read City of Gods, though!

    DO see the Avengers. It was excellent.
