
Friday, June 01, 2012

The May Round-Up!

Hey y'all! Currently chillin' in my apartment, feet propped up with a heating pad. My feet, which have so far carried me everywhere my entire life without a single complaint, have suddenly decided they are shy, fragile, retiring creatures. So I am indulging them for the nonce, because I will be an absolute slave driver come BEA - which I am leaving for THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW! Whoo! Anyhoo, my May has gone thusly:

A Gentleman Undone, by Cecilia Grant. Romance, Historical. A+
Pros: Beautiful writing, superbly detailed and sexually-experienced heroine with math skills, realism, grit, and passion. Cons: I got nuthin'.
Delicious, by Sherry Thomas. Romance, Historical. A+
Pros:  Gorgeous, gorgeous writing. Mouthwatering descriptions of food. Lots of historical detail and drama! Interesting secondary romance. Cons: The whole plot point where the hero never sees the heroine's face until the end gets a little tiresome.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor. YA, Fantasy. A+
Pros: Breathtaking writing, highly original story, great heroine, lovely romance. Cons: Um, the sequel's not out yet?

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, by E. Lockhart. YA, Contemporary. A
Pros: Bitchin' heroine, creative feminist commentary, no obvious love triangle, unconventional ending. Cons: Plot kind of jumps all over the place. Heroine, while bitchin', is also occasionally kind of a bitch, too. 

The River King, by Alice Hoffman. Fiction, Contemporary. B+
Pros: Alice Hoffman is da bomb, yo. Cons: Not her best - meandering storyline, little payoff. 

Catch and Release, by Blythe Woolston. YA, Contemporary. B-
Pros: Excellent writing, subtle characterization. Cons: Unsettling and unsympathetic male protagonist, directionless ending.

Never Love a Lawman, by Jo Goodman. Romance, Historical. C+
Pros: Detailed setting, excellent Western-style action scenes. Cons: Evasive characters, slack pacing.
Thirteen Reasons Why, by Jay Asher. YA, Contemporary. C
Pros: Fascinating look at how a myriad of small actions beget large consequences. Cons: Ugly central concept and the suspense aspect is wasted with a cheap cop-out on the part of the male protagonist.

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