
Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Weekly Wanting (17)

It's Weekly Wanting time - and probably the last one in a while. November's starting, and with it, National Novel Writing Month. I'm going to be writing up a storm so I can't say how consistently I'll be able to blog over that time. I'll try - but. 50, 000 words. 30 days. It's anyone's guess.

Genre: YA, Contemporary, Magical Realism
Cover Snark: Lens flare! LENS FLAAAARE.
The Story: A girl in a small town deals with the realization that she's a lesbian by sending her complicated thoughts and feelings out to the passengers of the planes that fly above her house.
Why I Want It? Small-town setting. LGBT plot. The one-two punch of rave reviews from both The Booksmugglers and the gals of Forever Young Adult! How could I not want this?

What books are you guys eagerly wanting this week?


  1. Yep. I'm desperately waiting for this one too! Loved 'Please Ignore Vera Dietz' and 'Everybody Sees the Ants' - and that cover/blurb for 'Passengers' has me just itching for a new one from the great King :)

  2. OMG, this one is SO good. Love, love, love.

    Also, I didn't know you did a cover snark thing. I have a weekly feature where I do that. Lens flare is mega annoying.

  3. Well, I just ordered it on Amazon! :D
