
Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Final Countdown

This is it, chickas. My taxi arrives at 10:30 pm tonight to take me to the airport in time for my red-eye 1:15 am flight to Orlando, to participate in the 2010 RWA National Conference!

But before I flight off to indulge my unhealthy obsessions with All Things Disney and Free Books, I thought I'd go back and consider the promise I made myself last year: My Nashville Resolution (back before the floods required RWA 2010 to relocate). Did I achieve what I set out to do? How is this conference experience going to be different from my first one? Let's see:

1. During the Year Leading to Nashville, I will either have made my First Sale (so that I get the pretty ribbon!) or have a Finished Manuscript. Did I do it? YES!
Okay, okay, not my First Sale. But I do have a Finished Manuscript AND a pitch. And I will be hawking both hardcore at RWA2010. For one thing, people last year were always asking what my novel was about, and I always dithered because a) I wasn't finished and b) even before I was finished I still felt I had too much story to describe at once. But now that I have my pitch, describing my book will be a snap, and great practice for my Agent Appointment!

2. During the Year Leading to Nashville, I will not buy a Motherlovin' amount of books and will Save My Money. Yes and No
Not buy a lot of books this year? Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Get real. I haven't even finished the freebies I got last year before buying new books. It's an illness, I tell you. But as for the saving money part - yeah, I kinda did do that. I had a good job and still lived with my parents so I have a bit saved away.

3. During the Year Leading to Nashville, I will participate in my RWA Special Interest Chapters, Network with other Authors/Bloggers, and Join a Critique Group. OH HELL TO THE YES
Last year, I hadn't really participated in my two RWA Chapters (RWA Online and FF&P), mainly because I hadn't finished my manuscript and felt I didn't have much to contribute. But once I finished, actually finished my first draft and joined a critique group, I started chatting a lot more and paying a lot more attention, as well as realizing that the Online Chapter really isn't my style, so I'll know not to review next year.

4. During the Year Leading to Nashville, I will budget for Shipping Costs. Sorta.
If by budget you mean, saved my Granny money and GST rebate cheque.

5. During the Year Leading to Nashville, I will Apply for the University of Alberta School for Library and Information Sciences. No.
*sigh* I chickened out - well, chickened out and got impatient. I landed a receptionist job I really enjoyed, and a part of me was eager to settle and be a Grown Up with a Real Job instead of the perpetual student, so I let me reference letters and preparations fall by the wayside. Six months later, I lost that job, and the receptionist industry is good, but not my passion, and now I'm kind of kicking myself for not going ahead with the library studies thing. It's a profession, and one I think I'd really enjoy. This year, the deadline for applying is February, so I'm going to be trying again - unless I get an absolutely spectacular job that I really like, and even then... Well, we'll see how it goes.

So hey, all things considered, I think I did pretty well by my Nashville Resolution. Anyhoo, while I won't be blogging while at RWA 2010, I am bringing my iTouch so I will be Tweeting - click the little blue origami bird at the top of the blog for my feed to see how it's going.

See y'all in a week!


  1. Good luck at RWA and have fun! I can't wait for you to be published I'll be first in line to buy a copy of your book!

  2. I'm so excited you'll be pitching at RWA this year - and naturally I can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    It sounds like you are prepared for success! Good luck and keep us posted about the conference!

  4. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Have fun at RWA. I hope your agent appointment goes well.
