
Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Weekly Wanting (16)

Hey! It's time for another Weekly Wanting! And by that I mean - I finally got my ass off the couch and stopped being super lazy about them. My bad.

Unspoken: The Lynburn Legacy, by Sarah Rees Brennan
Genre: YA, Paranormal.
Cover Snark: No snark, actually. This is a lovely cover!
The Story: An amateur sleuth in a small British village finds a new mystery to uncover when a mysterious aristocratic family moves back into town.
Why I Want It? I was a little ambivalent about the reviews at first (particularly the part where the heroine casually hears voices in her head all the time), until - as is becoming pretty usual for me - the Booksmugglers raved about it. Well, then I'm pretty much sold.

Genre: Fantasy, Horror.
Cover Snark: Eau de Poisson - by Chanel.
The Story: Selkies, and the men who love them.
Why I Want It? I've always been particularly fascinated by selkie stories, that of men or women who can turn into seals. And this one is written by the fabulous Margo Lanagan, an author I'm definitely going to have to read more of.

And that's it! What books are you eagerly awaiting?


  1. I've been seeing Unspoken around the blogosphere lately and have to admit that I really like the cover so may have to pick it up just because of that. Yes, I'm a cover junky! *L*

  2. The Brides of Rollrock Island is just brilliant - my favourite read of the year by far. So excited that you're planning to read it!
