
Thursday, November 29, 2012

December is: AnimeJune's Re-Read Rollout

December is fast approaching, I won NaNoWriMo (three days early, hollah!), and it's the time to relax. With Advent upon us and Christmas approaching, it's definitely a month to take comfort in the things that really matter to you.

It's the month where I spend time with my loving, wonderful family, watch comforting Christmas movies on a wide spectrum of cheesiness, laugh at all the terrible-awesome Christmas episodes of my favourite TV shows, and cuddle up under blankets while snow flutters down outside.

I decided that this year, December would also be a month of comfort reads. I have a huge TBR, which I compulsively add to every chance I get, so I often can't justify going back to re-read something when I've got a mountain of new reads to explore. But that's really not fair. Whenever I read something really wonderful, I shouldn't just let it moulder on a shelf and never read it again.

So come December (once I've reviewed Crewel), I'll be doing entirely re-reads, with select titles from different genres. If I've already reviewed the book, I'll write a post on whether it's held up, the important themes and ideas I derived from it, and other interesting things the author has written. If I haven't had a chance to review it on my site before - well, then I totally will.

The list is as follows - I've chosen a major title from each genre to read, and a secondary title to read if there are still December days remaining on the calendar.

The Classic Title:
Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery Seconds:
A Little Princess, by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott

The Literary Fiction Title:
The Birth House, by Ami McKay
Gentlemen and Players, by Joanne Harris

The Romance Title:
The Secret Pearl, by Mary Balogh Second:
Bet Me, by Jennifer Crusie

The YA Title:
Beauty, by Robin McKinley
The Greenstone Grail, by Amanda Hemingway

The Fantasy Title:
Fitzpatrick's War, by Theodore Judson Second:
The Innkeeper's Song, by Peter S. Beagle

The Gamechanger Title: (i.e. the book I didn't really like at first, but want to reread now that I've read and loved the author's other books)

Private Arrangements, by Sherry Thomas


  1. Bet Me! I love Jennifer Crusie!

    Also, I love the term gamechanger for those books!

    1. Well, I really liked every other Sherry Thomas book so I figured I'd give her first one a second chance.

  2. What an excellent idea! I tend to go for comfort reading in December too. This year I think I'll focus on children's classics, with a couple of re-reads thrown in there (namely The Dark is Rising). But at some point I'd really love to devote a whole month to re-reads, because I also don't do it nearly enough.

    1. Exactly. A month isn't a whole lot of time and then the rest of the year can be new reads!
